Tuesday 23 August 2016

who is KFC man??????????

who is KFC man

5 سال کی عمر میں اس کے والد کا انتقال ہوگیا . 16 سال کی عمر میں اس نے اسکول چھوڑ دیا. 17 سال کی عمر تک اس نے چار ملازمتیں کھو دیں . 18 سال کی عمر میں اس نے شادی کرلی. 18سے 22 سال کی عمر کے درمیان، وہ ایک ریلوے کنڈیکٹر رہا لیکن ناکام رہا... 19 سال کی عمر میں وہ باپ بن گیا. 20 سال کی عمر میں اس کی بیوی نے اسے چھوڑ دیا اور بیٹی کو لے گئی وہ فوج میں شامل ہوا لیکن نکال دیا گیا. اس نےقانون کی پڑھائی کے لئے درخواست دی لیکن اسے مسترد کردیاگیا. وہ ایک انشورنس سیلز مین بن گیا لیکن ایک بار پھر ناکام ہوا.. وہ ایک چھوٹے سے کیفے میں ایک باورچی اور بیرہ بن گیا. اس نے اپنی بیٹی کو اغوا کرنے کی ناکام کوشش کی، لیکن آخر کار وہ اپنی بیوی اور بیٹی کو گھر واپس لانے میں کامیاب ہو گیا. 65 سال کی عمر میں اس کی سبکدوشی کے موقع پر حکومت کی طرف سے اسے صرف 105 ڈالر کا ایک چیک ملا. اسے لگا حکومت اس چیک کے ذریعے اسے ایک نا اہل انسان ثابت کرنا چاہتی ہے... اس نےخود کشی کرنے کا فیصلہ کیا کیونکہ وہ اتنی بارناکام ہوا تھا کہ اب وہ مزید زندگی گزارنے کے قابل نہیں تھا؛ وہ اپنی وصیت لکھنے ایک درخت کے نیچے بیٹھ گیا، لیکن وصیت لکھنے کی بجائے، اس نے یہ لکھا کہ زندگی میں اس نے کس کام میں مہارت حاصل کی. اس نے لکھا کہ وہ صرف ایک کام دوسروں کے مقابلے میں بہتر کر سکتا ہے اور وہ ہے کھانا پکانا... تو اس نے اپنے چیک کے عوض87 ڈالر ادھار لئے اور کچھ چکن خریدا. ایک خاص مصالحہ استعمال کر کے اس نے چکن کو تل لیا اور کینٹکی میں اپنے پڑوسیوں کو فروخت کرنے کیلئے گھر سے نکل پڑا... یاد رکھیں 65 سال کی عمر میں وہ خود کشی کے لئے تیار تھا. لیکن 88 سال کی عمر میں وہ یعنی کرنل سینڈرز، کینٹکی فرائیڈ چکن (KFC) سلطنت کا بانی اور ایک ارب پتی بزنس مین تھا.

Tuesday 9 August 2016



1.) GOOGLE : Global Organization Of
Oriented Group Language Of Earth .
2.) YAHOO : Yet Another Hierarchical
Officious Oracle .
3.) WINDOW : Wide Interactive
Network Development for Office
work Solution
4.) COMPUTER : Common Oriented
Machine Particularly United and used
under Technical and Educational
5.) VIRUS : Vital Information
Resources Under Siege .
6.) UMTS : Universal Mobile
Telecommunications System .
7.) AMOLED : Active-matrix organic
emitting diode
8.) OLED : Organic light-emitting
9.) IMEI: International Mobile
Identity .
10.) ESN: Electronic Serial Number .
11.) UPS: uninterruptible power
supply .
12. HDMI: High-Definition Multimedia
13.) VPN: virtual private network
14.)APN: Access Point Name
15.) SIM: Subscriber Identity Module
16.) LED: Light emitting diode.
17.) DLNA: Digital Living Network
18.) RAM: Random access memory.
19.) ROM: Read only memory.
20.) VGA: Video Graphics Array
21.) QVGA: Quarter Video Graphics
22.) WVGA: Wide video graphics
23.) WXGA: Widescreen Extended
24.)USB: Universal serial Bus
25.) WLAN: Wireless Local Area
26.) PPI: Pixels Per Inch
27.) LCD: Liquid Crystal Display.
28.) HSDPA: High speed down-link
29.) HSUPA: High-Speed Uplink
Packet Access
30.) HSPA: High Speed Packet Access
31.) GPRS: General Packet Radio
32.) EDGE: Enhanced Data Rates for
33.)NFC: Near field communication
34.) OTG: on-the-go
35.) S-LCD: Super Liquid Crystal
36.) O.S: Operating system.
37.) SNS: Social network service
39.) P.O.I: point of interest
40.)GPS: Global Positioning System
41.)DVD: Digital Video Disk
42.)DTP: Desk top publishing.
43.) DNSE: Digital natural sound
engine .
44.) OVI: Ohio Video Intranet
45.)CDMA: Code Division Multiple
46.) WCDMA: Wide-band Code
Division Multiple
47.)GSM: Global System for Mobile
48.)WI-FI: Wireless Fidelity
49.) DIVX: Digital internet video
50.) .APK: authenticated public key.
51.) J2ME: java 2 micro edition
52.) SIS: installation source.
53.) DELL: Digital electronic link
54.)ACER: Acquisition Collaboration
Experimentation Reflection
55.)RSS: Really simple syndication
56.) TFT: thin film transistor
57.) AMR: Adaptive Multi-Rate
58.) MPEG: moving pictures experts
59.)IVRS: Interactive Voice Response
60.) HP: Hewlett Packard

Tuesday 26 July 2016

How to Check Remaining Minutes, SMS in Ufone Super Card:

How to Check Remaining Minutes, SMS in Ufone Super Card

If you are think very tough method is available for free minutes and SMS or internet usages inquiry then not Ufone is always introduced those system that is user friendly so follow below all method and get you query answer.
Type *706# keys on dial box and press dial green button through this method you can get idea how many minutes, SMS and mobile MBs is remaining.
Ufone super card term and condition:
  • This offer is only for prepaid customers.
  • The price of the card is inclusive of all taxes and additional charges.
  • This offer can also be availed through ULoad.
  • Validity of Minutes, SMS and Mobile Internet is 30 days.
  • To find out remaining minutes, SMS and Mobile Internet MBs, dial *706#.
After How To Check Remaining Minutes, SMS In Ufone Super Card  details if you want details about Ufone other offers then visit this website main home page.

Check Telenor Call History Records Online

Check Telenor Call History Records Online

Subscribers of Telenor can now check their call history and other records via online WSS Portal of Telenor. The process is very simple. SIM holder of Telenor are require to Login with their mobile number.
WSS Portal of Telenor is a personalized secure, and hassle-free service that gives you complete control over your connection. All you have to do is create your login, after which you will be able to manage and customize your Telenor connection according to your needs.
WSS Portal gives you full control over your cell phone account and caters to all your needs to view and manage your account online. Moreover, you can subscribe or unsubscribe services, choose among different packages, get details of tariff plans and so much more.


Monday 25 July 2016

How IAM Helps In Securing IT Infrastructure

How IAM Helps In Securing IT Infrastructure
Lately there has been significant interest within enterprises with regards to Identity and Access Management (IAM) solutions. With its ability to address critical challenges that IT departments around the world are facing today, IAM solutions have been able to effectively help secure and govern access to enterprise applications in an increasingly complex IT infrastructure that involves on premise and cloud services, SaaS and mobile devices.
IAM and its Potential in Securing your IT Infrastructure
When one thinks about an IAM solution, security, efficiency, simplicity, productivity and compliance are the clear advantages associated with its implementation. Yet, there are a number of enterprises that choose to overlook these benefits purely on the foundation of the cost and complexity in the implementation of these solutions.
However, enterprises that are able to take a step back and consider the cost of a potential security breach involved with manual provisioning and de-provisioning of access, the key advantage of an IAM solution to your IT infrastructure is rather clear.
Moving on from Traditional Security Perimeters
With traditional security perimeters shrinking, enterprises relying on IAM solutions now must consider scenarios such as an increased mobile workforce along with an extremely distributed and complicated network of applications. The right IAM solution helps secure on premise, cloud as well as mobile IT infrastructure by streamlining provisioning and de-provisioning, reducing demands on IT and easing management pains among many other things.
On Premise and Cloud IAM
While a growing number of enterprises are choosing to move on to cloud platforms over managing on premise applications and IT infrastructure, ensuring effective identity management for the later continues to be the need of the hour. Whether one is looking for a on premise or cloud based IAM solution, they both entail critical functions such as identity provisioning and de-provisioning, authentication and authorisation. In simple words, it defines who access what information or application, from where and when.
Security for Multiple Device Access
With the use of multiple devices including mobile becoming more and more common, organizations are able to rely on IAM to overcome the risks of password fatigue, lack of authentication, manual provisioning and multiple user directories among other things. In addition to this, IAM helps reduce security risks by managing, securing and integrating access to corporate information.
With secure federation, enterprises are able to authenticate and exchange user attributes between service providers. This can be achieved on premise as well as on cloud by establishing a common user identity across all deployments. IAM also helps provide secure remote access to browser based applications on the basis of user identities. This is regardless of where the user is located and what device he or she is on.
Furthermore, multi-factor authentication via IAM also helps secure off-network users with the help of second factor authentication controls. This can be delivered through a number of mobile channels including instant messaging, email and SMS.
Meeting the Challenges of BYOD Environments
Contractors, partners, employees and other stakeholders are relying on personal devices to connect with the corporate network for professional as well as personal reasons. The challenge here has little to do with external devices being brought into the enterprise network and more to do with the capability of an IT infrastructure to protect the business assets of an enterprise without impacting productivity while also offering the freedom to choose.
While every company today has a BYOD policy in place that enables users to access secure resources from personal devices. However, more often than not, accessing internal and SaaS applications on mobile devices is harder work that simply doing so from a networked desktop workstation or laptop. IAM helps in setting up a secure, easy and quick way to grant as well as revoke access to corporate applications on employee or corporate owned devices based on the guidelines set. With technology evolving at the rate that it is, trends such as Internet of Things, IAM helps IT teams in deploying solutions that efficiently meet new demands on the corporate network.
Security and Privileged IAM
Database administrators, CEOs, CIOs and other such super user accounts tend to be governed very loosely. Some of the best security policies tend to leave these account entirely uncontrolled while also allowing advanced privileges on the corporate network. Furthermore, most owners of these accounts come with little to no formal training on how to securely manage them.
It is often seen that the motivation to implement a robust privileged identity management solution commences with an immediate need to address an unforeseen security breach. With the right privileged IAM solution in tow, it is possible to bring about significant administrative accountability, effective and secure release controls; stronger inter-application authentication; efficient monitoring of privileged activities and enforcement of privileged activity policies. Furthermore, it also brings about some consistency in password change policies, mitigation of hacker and malware and higher technical staff efficiency.
In Conclusion...
IAM solutions help enterprises ensure security by deploying solutions with robust multifactor authentication while also getting rid of any user frustrations by offering seamless access. IAM helps create policies based on contextual, granular information and helps make decisions based on user identity, device and location to deliver quick and secure access to relevant partners, contractors, employees and guests.

Thursday 21 July 2016

14اگست 1947ء آزادی کا سفر جب پاکستان بن رہا تھا۔ ، اُردو پوائنٹ قومی

Who is the 'King of the Jungle?'

Who is the 'King of the Jungle?'

What about a hyena? A hyena is vicious, and its jaws are twice as powerful than that of a lion. According to a source, a hyena can beat a lion in a fight again and again because of its powerful jaws. Hyenas are said to be scavengers, eating the leftovers of the lion and other animals. But, lions and hyenas both hunt and scavenge at about the same rate. Hyenas get about 75% of there food from there own kills. I think hyenas have been getting a bad reputation because they're not as appealing to the eyes as the lion. Maybe everyone has ben watching to The Lion King too much. If a lion is outnumbered, a lion will even give its food up for the hyenas. But, lions are known to take kills from groups of hyenas. Even though hyenas have beat lions in fights, they lack the intelligence and bravery to do that to the lion. So I guess I'll give the edge to the lion in this debate.
We're not done yet, the tiger is still a ferocious beast! An average tiger weighs approximately 440 pounds, while the average lion weighs about 400 pounds. In terms of strength, tigers are said to be up to 10% stronger. Based on my research, a fight between a lion and a tiger is a 50/50 toss up. They are both very aggressive, and it solely depends on who lands the first blow. Tigers hunt more than lions. Lions are known to show up in a pride to take away a kill. So, if a pride of lions came up to a tiger who was feeding on its kill, then the tiger would obviously back away because of the numbers. One slight advantage that the lion is that when you look it it head on, it seems much bigger than it actually is. The mane doesn't serve much protection, but it can fool an opponent (the mane is just hair,with a full fledged bite the mane wouldn't make a difference). Based on my research, the lion seems to me to be more of a coward, because it always steals kills. Tigers fend for themselves which I respect more. As far as surviving in the wild, both animals eat well and do not struggle to survive. Advantage....? I say neither.
The next animal I will talk about is the porcupine. Now I know what your thinking. How could a porcupine be considered to be king of the jungle. First of all, it depends on your definition of king. In our society, a king is complete power, and is usually pretty lazy and fat. They live easy. I think the porcupine fits that description pretty well. Who is in more control than the porcupine? No one is messing with those spikes and quills. They are razor sharp and 
Watch that video its awesome^
Basically, the king of the wild/jungle/savannah/whatever, is solely opinion. It depends on your definition of a king, and it depends on what you think is the most important. It could be hunting, defense, bravery, intelligence, and the truth is no animal dominates all of those traits. I would love to hear feedback on what other animals you think may be considered king. I only named a few of the many animals out there, so lets hear it!

List of Jungle Animals

List of Jungle Animals
Jungles have always been a subject of fascination for mankind. If you sit to compile a list of animals found in various jungles of the world - i.e. the species and its subspecies - it will simply go on and on.
TAGGED UNDER: Wild Animals
A jungle, by definition, is an area with dense vegetation, marked by intense competition and struggle for survival. More than half of the total animal species on the planet are found in jungles, and that makes it nearly impossible to compile a list of jungle animals. It would take a lot of time to come up with a list like that, and that too will be 'near perfect' - and not perfect - because several species out there are yet to be discovered or classified. Contrary to the popular belief that animals mean only mammals, in reality, the animal kingdom (or the 'kingdom Animalia') also includes birds, insects, and reptiles.
Jungle Animals A to Z List
The jungles on the planet are home to millions of animal species, which vary in terms of shape, size, appearance, habitat, food habits, etc. Knowing what kind of animals live in the jungle is important, as it helps us understand the jungle ecosystem - and the importance of preserving it. Given below is an alphabetical list of animals that live in a jungle, in which we have tried to include some of the most popular species from around the world.

Antelopes are ruminant mammals belonging to the Bovidae family, and are typically characterized by their unbranched horns which never shed. They are categorized into different species, based on their native habitat and appearance. Around 90 percent of these species are native to Africa alone. Some of the most popular species include the Arabian oryx and Dorcas gazelle native to Arabian peninsula, the Chinkara and Blackbuck species native to the lush green forests of India, the Tibetan antelope and Saiga native to Russia and Southeast Asia, etc.

Armadillos are placental mammals primarily found in South and Central America, which are typically characterized by their leathery armor shell. ('Armadillo' is a Spanish word, literally meaning the 'little armored one'.) There exist several sub-species of this mammal with their length varying between 5-59 in., and weight ranging between 4-120 lbs. Armadillos are lazy animals, and spend about 16 hours a day sleeping in their burrows. The rest of the day is spent hunting and feeding on beetles, ants, termites and other insects.

Bats boast of being the only mammalian species with the ability to fly - i.e. sustained flight, and not gliding like the flying squirrels. There exist somewhere around 1,240 species of bats on the planet, 70 percent of which are insectivorous. Bats make up nearly half of all the mammalian species in the rainforests, where they play the crucial role of a pollinator. Some of the most popular bat species include the giant golden-crowned flying fox, vampire bats (due to which bats are often associated with vampires), Kitti's hog-nosed bat, Mexican free-tailed bat, etc.

Bears are mammalian species belonging to the Ursidae family of animals, and are found all over the Northern Hemisphere and some parts of the Southern Hemisphere. There are 8 living species of bears on the planet; the American black bear, brown bear, Asian black bear, polar bear, sloth bear, sun bear, spectacled bear, and the giant panda. Except for the polar bear, which is completely carnivorous, and the Giant Panda, with 90 percent of its diet comprising bamboo shoots, all other species of bears are omnivorous in nature.

Chimpanzees are highly intelligent species which share 98 percent of the genetic blueprint of humans. Their native habitat spans West and Central Africa. They are known to adapt to various habitats, ranging from dense forests to open grasslands. They can grow up to a height of 4-5.5 ft. and weigh between 70-130 lbs at full growth. Chimps usually feed on plants, but at times have also been seen feeding on insects and carrion. Though they walk on all fours most of the time, they do have the ability to stand upright and walk in that position.

The cougar, also referred to as the puma, mountain lion, or panther, is one of the most powerful predators in the Americas. Cougars are found in many parts of the continent, ranging from dense forests of Canada to swamps of Florida. They can grow to a length of about 3.25-5.25 ft. and weigh about 136 lbs. These ambush predators feed on large prey such as elk, wild horses, white-tailed deer, armadillos, etc. Being a non-scavenging animal, it doesn't feed on carrion, but instead only feeds on the prey it has killed.

A deer is a ruminant mammal belonging to the Cervidae family of animals. Almost all males grow and shed horns ever year, and that distinguishes them from animals with permanent horns, like the antelopes. The moose (also referred to as Eurasian elk) native to North America and Europe, is the largest species of deer, while the Pudu, native to South America, is the smallest. Other prominent species include the reindeer, sambar, barasingha (swamp deer), spotted deer, fallow deer, red deer, black-tailed deer and the white-tailed deer.

While elephants are usually considered the largest land mammals on planet Earth, it is the African bush elephant, with a height of 8.2-13 ft. and weight of 5,000-14,000 lbs, which is specifically the largest land animal on the planet. It is 1 of the 3 extant elephant species; other 2 being the African forest elephant and the Asian elephant. As their name suggests, the African forest elephants are known to inhabit the dense forests of Africa. The Asian elephants, on the other hand, are usually found in the forested areas of Asia.

Foxes are small to medium-sized canids, sporting a long narrow snout and a bushy tail. There are 37 identified species of this animal spread all over the world. Some of the most popular species are the red fox, kit fox, Arctic fox, fennec fox, Darwin's fox, crab-eating fox, etc. Found almost on all the continents, the red fox is the most common species of fox. The fennec fox is the smallest of the species, growing to a length of about 9.5-16 in. and weighing between 2.2 to 3.3 lbs. Being omnivorous in nature, foxes feed on berries, fruits, fish, birds, rodents, rabbits, reptiles etc.

Gorillas are the largest living primates on the planet in terms of size. Basically, there exist 2 species of gorillas - the Western gorillas and the Eastern gorillas; their geographical range is separated by the Congo River and its tributaries. The exact number of gorilla sub-species however, is a subject of contention - with some sources stating 4 sub-species and some stating 5. These ground dwelling primates are herbivorous in nature, and therefore the tropical and subtropical moist broadleaf forests make an ideal habitat for them.

A hedgehog is a carnivorous mammal sporting a coat of stiff, sharp spines, native to Asia, Europe and Africa. Hedgehogs are also found in the New Zealand, where they were introduced. They most often feed on worms, insects, snails, centipedes, mice, frogs, and snakes. Though their eyesight is weak, they have a strong sense of smell and hearing. If attacked hedgehogs roll into a ball, and deceive their predators. Some of the most prominent species are the European hedgehog, Amur hedgehog, Indian long-eared hedgehog, etc.

Hippopotamus is a herbivorous mammal native to the African continent. It is characterized by its large size, enormous mouth with large teeth and stubby legs. Hippos are ranked third in terms of weight, after elephants and rhinoceros. It is the pygmy hippopotamus which is usually known to inhabit the forested areas. These aggressive creatures are regarded as the most ferocious of the African wildlife. Found in abundance at one time, today they are battling for their basic survival owing to excessive poaching and loss of habitat.

Hyenas are carnivorous mammals found in Asia and Africa. Some of the most prominent species of hyena include the spotted hyena (also known as laughing hyena), striped hyena, brown hyena, and the aardwolf. Hyena species are known to inhabit a range of habitats, right from grasslands and semi-deserts to dense forests. They are not just efficient hunters, but are also known widely for their scavenging habits. Their strong jaw and equally strong digestive system helps them eat and digest even the teeth and the bones of their prey.

The jaguar is the only species of the Panthera genus found in the Americas. It is the third largest feline in the world, and one of the most prominent predators of the tropical rainforest biome. The animal largely resembles a leopard, but a close look differentiates it from leopards on the basis of its bulky built. It has one of the most powerful bites among the felines, and can pierce its sharp teeth right through the skull of its prey. The range of this solitary hunting stalk-and-ambush predator is very vast, often spanning the dense forests and open terrains of the Americas.
Read more at Buzzle: 

Wednesday 20 July 2016

Wagah border ceremony

Wagah border ceremony

This ceremony takes place every evening before sunset at the Wagah border, which as part of theGrand Trunk Road was the only road link between these two countries before the opening of theAman Setu in Kashmir in 1999. The ceremony starts with a blustering parade by the soldiers from both the sides, and ends up in the perfectly coordinated lowering of the two nations' flags.[3] It is called the beating retreat border ceremony on the international level. One infantryman stands at attention on each side of the gate. As the sun sets, the iron gates at the border are opened and the two flags are lowered simultaneously. The flags are folded and the ceremony ends with a retreat that involves a brusque handshake between soldiers from either side, followed by the closing of the gates again. The spectacle of the ceremony attracts many visitors from both sides of the border, as well as international tourists.[3] In October 2010, Major General Yaqub Ali Khan of the Pakistan Rangers decided that the aggressive aspect of the ceremonial theatrics should be toned down.[1][4]
2014 suicide attack
On 2 November 2014, approximately 60 people were killed and at least 110 people were injured in a suicide attack on the Pakistan side of the Wagah border. An 18- to 20-year-old attacker detonated a 5 kg explosive in his vest 500 metres from the crossing point in the evening right after the Wagah border ceremony ended.[5][6]

Attempted Coup Sets Off Fight for Control of Turkey

Attempted Coup Sets Off Fight for Control of Turkey

Elements of the Turkish military worked to topple the country's government on Friday, saying their goal was to "reestablish constitutional order." Meanwhile, Turkey's prime minister called the uprising an "illegal act."
Rebellious Turkish military factions tried to seize control of the government late Friday in a stunning attempt to oust Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, but the longtime leader’s forces said they were close to putting down the attempted coup.
The ensuing battle left at least 90 people dead across the country, according to the state-run Anadolu news agency, with many of those in Ankara, the capital and the heart of the military.
Rebel troops fired on civilians on the Bosporus Bridge in Istanbul, killing three, as jets streaked over the city, according to the agency. Military leaders supporting the president ordered an F-16 jet fighter in the capital to shoot down a helicopter being used by the rebels. ( More: Turkey’s Erdogan Reasserts Control After Attempted Coup )
The government said the situation was largely under control by Saturday morning. Anadolu reported that 1,374 military personnel were detained across Turkey as part of an investigation into the coup attempt. Prime Minister Binali Yildirim,speaking on CNN Turk, said one rebel general was shot dead.
Mr. Erdogan flew back from a vacation resort to Atatürk International Airport in his stronghold of Istanbul, where thousands defied the rebel troops and swarmed their tanks to greet him.
Speaking to live television, the president vowed to deliver a decisive blow to coup leaders and urged civilians to resist the rebels. “Those who stain the military’s reputation must leave,” he said. “The process has started today and it will continue.”
Forces loyal to the president rescued the country’s top military commander, Gen. Hulusi Akar, who had been held captive by coup plotters, the president’s office said. Mr. Akar’s refusal to back the coup was likely a key reason why the military takeover quickly unraveled. The head of Turkey’s intelligence service, Hakan Fidan, was also said to be safe, despite efforts by coup forces to storm the intelligence headquarters in Ankara.
Hours into the coup, it became clear that the military wasn’t united in attempting to overthrow the government. Key military leaders, including the chief of general staff, stood with Mr. Erdogan in defending the government. Yet gunfights around the military headquarters in Ankara continued.
A stream of opposition leaders came out and backed the democratically elected government in the nation of 79 million, a key ally in the fight against Islamic State, host to more than 2,000 U.S. military personnel and a partner stemming the flood of refugees to Europe.
The White House called on all parties in Turkey to “support the democratically elected government of Turkey, show restraint and avoid any violence or bloodshed,” shortly after President Barack Obama and Secretary of State John Kerry had spoken by phone.
The coup attempt began around 8 p.m. local time. In Istanbul, Turkish rebel troops closed the city’s landmark Bosporus Bridge, which was lit up in the colors of the French flag in solidarity with victims of the terrorist attack in Nice, France. An attack was launched on the police special forces loyal to Mr. Erdogan on the outskirts of Ankara, where explosions were heard by residents. The rebels then stormed the state-run television station and forced it off the air.
The military factions leading the coup attempt said they were seizing control to “re-establish constitutional order” as they moved to take over all government responsibilities.
But top military leaders backed Mr. Erdogan and fought back against the rebel troops, according to Mr. Yildirim, the prime minister, triggering deadly clashes. Crowds swarmed the streets in support of Mr. Erdogan, with some people lying in front of tanks in protest. The government was able to regain control of the state-run station before dawn Saturday.
Officials close to Mr. Erdogan said elements of the Gendarmerie General Command and the Air Force were behind the attempted coup. The officials said key elements of the Turkish Army and Navy remained behind Mr. Erdogan, including the First and Third armies as well as Turkish special forces.
The president, government officials and some military generals cast the coup attempt as yet another plot by the followers of Fethullah Gulen, a U.S.-based Turkish cleric who once was a key ally of Mr. Erdogan but has in the past three years turned into his arch-nemesis.
“They have targeted [state intelligence agency] MIT, the presidency and the prime ministry,” Mr. Erdogan said in an earlier televised statement, which his spokesman said was made in a “safe” location. “They have kidnapped the secretary-general of the presidency. I speak to the military commanders: I’m sure you share the nation’s values. But maybe you have had friends among you who do not share the values of this nation. They were following orders from Pennsylvania.”

Turkey’s President Regains Control After Attempted Coup

Turkey’s elected government reasserted control Saturday after an attempted coup by factions of the military left more than 250 people dead.

Amir Khan‬‬ says "I'm okay" after being taken to hospital following Canelo Álvarez defeat

Amir Khan‬‬ says "I'm okay" after being taken to hospital following Canelo Álvarez defeat

Amir Khan loses Las Vegas gamble as he is knocked out by Canelo Alvarez 'monster punch'

Amir Khan's gamble to win the world middleweight title by stepping up two weight divisions ended in the dust of the Mojave desert in defeat as he was brutally knocked out by WBC champion Saul Alvarez in the sixth round.
The 29-year-old made a promising start, using his speed and a smart elusiveness as he appeared to build an early lead. However, Khan did not have enough power to trouble the Mexican who began to load up with his power shots from round four onwards.
Two of the judges had Khan behind when he was felled by the long powerful right hand of the Mexican.
This was Khan's fourth defeat in his 35th fight. Alvarez moved to 47-1-1.
Khan was taken to hospital for "precautionary measures" according to promoter Oscar De La Hoya, but tweeted from the ambulance that he was "ok".
"I'm a natural 147 (pounds) fighter, but this challenge came and it was very hard to turn down," Khan said. "I want to be the best, I want to fight the best and that's why I took this fight.
"I was unfortunate that I didn't make it to the end, but I tried my best and I want to say thank you for the support. But I will probably go down to 147 now."
Khan's British rival Kell Brook tweeted soon after the content that he was ready to defend his world welterweight title against Khan.

Shahid Afridi

Shahid Afridi

Full Name:

Sahibzada Mohammad Shahid Khan Afridi

Batting style:
Right hand batsman
Bowling style:
Leg-break and Googly
Place of birth:
Khyber Agency, Pakistan
This page is dedicated to Shahid Afridi. Get to know about Shahid Afridi's ( Shahid Afridi ) ODI, Test, Twenty20 International records - batting, fielding and bowling

Batting Performance Analysis


Bowling Performance Analysis
